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Consultation charts way for missional church

Consultation charts way for missional church

The Rev. Reggie W. Nel, dean of the Faculty of Theology at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, said while the missionary church was in charge of all programs, a missional church is “missio Dei” (the mission of God) and led by the Holy Spirit. He emphasized it is time to decolonize the church and get rid of the “mother church and daughter church” concept established by pioneer missionaries.

Bishop makes historic visit to Madagascar

Bishop makes historic visit to Madagascar

Hundreds of people packed into tiny Ambodifasika United Methodist Church to experience a series of firsts: the church’s first visit from a United Methodist bishop and its first baptisms, Holy Communion and confirmations.

United Methodist women feed community

United Methodist women feed community

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, shutting down global economies, two United Methodist women started a soup kitchen in their home to feed disadvantaged children.