Our Mission and Vision Statement

Our Mission

The Mission of The South Africa Annual Conference is to grow in Christ and to reach out in God’s love. “To make disciples of Jesus for the transformation of the world”

Our Vision

We will:

  • Go into our community and world to nature others and share God’s love, that all might have a relationship with God.
  • Encourage and support the use of technology in our churches.

Goal Number 1

The congregation will have a common understanding that we come together to follow Jesus (This is our “why”).

This means we:

  1. Bear each other’s burdens
  2. Grow spiritually with God and one another
  3. Participate in service and social justice (Keep personal piety and social holiness together as John Wesley would say.)
  4. Empower one another to use our God-given gifts
  5. Live life by Christ’s example

Goal Number 2

The congregation will have a common understanding that there are many ways to “church” together and that the church is constantly changing, 4led by the Holy Spirit.

Goal Number 3

We will put the ministry in the hands of the people, empowering and equipping people to be active disciples of Jesus in their everyday lives. 

Goal Number 4

We will reach out and build relationships with stressed out parents and their kids.